
Did you know the meaning of the word NO8DO that appears in many places in Seville?

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By on 23/05/2018

If you walk alone for a while through the streets of our beloved city of Seville, Really thousand times the word No8Do written in paper, marquees, sewers, banks, bicycle parking, pivots the streets and in any cartel, restrasmisión or institutional statement from the municipality of Sevilla. A lomejor you have not noticed it, but there is. No8Do , No8Do , No8Do ….or word or a kind of symbol of infinity, but, Why this word appears in many places? And what meaning hidden?



Institutional frame of television broadcasts



Image of a culvert in Seville. Image: Matemolivares – blogs



NO8DO symbol represented in the Sevici bicibletas.


As you can see the “NO8DO around us”, and it is because this curious word is present in the flag of Seville since 1995. The official representation would be that we can see the image below. A banner with red background and embroidered in gold NO8DO.



Seville City Council prepared for the ceremony Corpus Christi with banners of NO8DO

There is no official historical explanation for the origin of this symbol. All theories are based on assumptions, stories passed from generation to generation and legends. The best known and widespread take starring the King Alfonso X El Sabio, nicknamed by this name because of its high cultural level.

It was the thirteenth century in Spain and reigning King Alfonso X, during his reign the country was divided by unfavorable opinions toward its mandate and fearing a disunited Spain, his son Sancho IV of Castile took armies and began a struggle in order to kill all the rioters and anti-revolutionary mandate King. Sancho was taking more and more territories of the kingdom and from this moment the country was divided between supporters of the king who did not support and followers of Sancho. After this division and spent time, Prince, It took too much power and left in the background to his father that ended refuge in Sevilla with his faithful followers because of their old age and. It is said that proud city of Seville, Alfonso X quoted the following sentence: -Seville, she did not let me. This phrase would be subject to an evolution of shortening the term that would result NO8DO. The “No”, the symbol of “skein” symbolizing unity and alliance, and “Do”.

It was in 1283, when Alfonso X gave the city of Seville emblem NO8DO in gratitude to the city that never left.

There is a lot of talk about the NO8DO Seville, so we recommend you read the next post NO8DO legends about Seville.

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