
Basilica de la Macarena in Seville

Street address: street Becquer, 1
Tlfno:954 370 195
Visiting hours:
Daily 9 a 14 h. and 17 a 21 h.
Treasury prices visits (Museum): Entrance: 3 € Children (up 11 years old) and Seniors 65 years old: 1’5 €

Arch macarena. Seville. Source: Historiarte Sevilla

Arch macarena. Seville. Source: Historiarte Sevilla

La Macarena or brotherhood Our Lady of Hope and Brotherhood of Penance was founded in 1.595, making his first penitence in 1.624.

Years later the name of the brotherhood who renamed the modified Death warrant who gave Christ our Redeemer and Our. Ms.. Hope, which embodiment commissioned sculptor Felipe Morales Nieto. Christ our Redeemer It is represented at the time of receiving the death sentence of Pontius Pilate. Nowadays, Christ is part of the first step being the other figures: Pilate sat in a gesture of washing their hands in a basin holding a servant of African ethnicity; Claudia Procula begging clemency, a man of Jewish race reading the sentence of the procurator, two Roman soldiers and two Sanhedrinites works Castillo Lastrucci of 1.929; a third Roman soldier is the work of Alvarez Duarte of 1.978.

Our Lady of Hope, popularly known as Macarena, which gives fame to the brotherhood. It is an anonymous work dating from the late seventeenth or early eighteenth that has been attributed to Pedro Roldán, his daughter Roldana and Hita del Castillo. This virgin has the peculiarity that has dramatic and painful expression on his face, despite the five tears on her cheeks arranged.

Basilica of the Macarena. Seville

Basilica of the Macarena. Seville
source image: Expedia

Until the construction of the present temple, the Brotherhood had its headquarters in the parish of San Gil. The image of the virgin was saved from arson in 1.936, because it had been taken home by a brother, where he remained throughout the Civil War. The 32 May 1.964, Macarena was canonically crowned by the Cardenal Bueno Monreal in the Cathedral of Seville. In 1.966 He was awarded the temple of the Macarena the privilege of being declared basilica.

La Hermandad de la Macarena in procession at dawn Holy Friday, He is escorted over a century of Christ by Roman soldiers with red velvet suit, shell and helmet, popularly known as “ARMA”.

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