
Murillo and the Capuchins in Seville – Museum of Fine Arts

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By on 06/12/2017

4Th anniversary of the birth of Bartolome Esteban Murillo

From 28 November 2017 to the 1 April 2018

Price 1,5 euros

Free: for citizens of the European Union accredited and members of ICOM.

Museum of Fine Arts, Sevilla – Museum Square, 9 – 41001 Seville


Tuesday to Saturday, of 9:00 a 20:00 hours
Sundays and holidays Opening: of 9:00 a 15:00 hours
Closed: Every Monday; 24, 25 and 31 December 2017, 1 and 6 January 2018.

Note that the box office will close 30 minutes before the end of the opening hours.



When they met four years since the birth of the painter Bartolome Esteban Murillo, what
It took place in the last days of the year 1617, This museum pays tribute to one of the great
Spanish baroque art artists and most important in the long history of the school
Sevillian painting. It does so with the exhibition of all paintings made for the convent
of the Capuchins in Seville, one of the most ambitious pictorial cycles of the seventeenth century Spanish,
both the number of works that compose it as for the exceptional quality of these


The exhibition is installed in two areas of the Museum of Fine Arts of Seville: la Sala V,
former convent church mercedario, and Temporary Exhibition Hall. In the first of
these areas most exposed canvases painted for Capuchins Murillo.

In a second, the Temporary Exhibition Hall, They are related various drawings
with Capuchins, that allow us to know the artist's creative process. With them, HE
installed the canvas Archangel Michael, that was the last painting set in
be retrieved. This work left Seville, with the rest of the series, bound for Cadiz 1810.
When in 1812 return to Sevilla, San Miguel painting no longer is among them. The
news about her lost until its acquisition by the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna
1987. This rediscovery has made it possible again to complete the series know Capuchins.
This area is completed with additional information about the restoration process, as well as
about the history of the series and a video room where visitors can learn the process
production of the exhibition.



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