
The Fall of the House of Usher by Philip Glass. Music Cycle(s) contemporary(s) 2017. Theatre Central, Seville

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By on 03/04/2017
The Fall of the House of Usher by Philip Glass. Music Cycle(s) contemporary(s)s2017. Theatre Central, Seville

26 April 2017
At 21 hours
Theatre Central, room A

The Fall of the House of Usher by Philip Glass. ZAHIR TOGETHER.

The Central Theater of Seville offers 26 April 2017 concert Zahir Ensemble.

musical direction: Juan García Rodríguez
Stage direction and set design: Thierry Brühl
Baritone: David Lagares
Tenor: Alain Damascus
Soprano: Sachika Ito
Under: Javier Cuevas
Tenor: Francisco García

Premiere in Spain.

Last 31 Philip Glass met January 80 years old. What originally came from the Gaza underground music has become over the years into a ubiquitous style whose bursts of repetitive arpeggios are not hard to hear in television commercials and soundtracks. The radical cleansing and clarity of a hypnotic mechanism operating in perpetual motion score as Music in Similar Motion or Music with Changing Parts, revolutionary works in his time, however they remain frozen works as a perfect time. The enchantment that produces its repetitive cycles has caught the imagination of thousands of listeners either by their soundtracks and operas rather than by the works in which he fixed his style. Para Gavin Bryars, Glass "has been instrumental to open opera to a new audience and younger. Also it has achieved the biggest orders ever since Verdi wrote Aida ". Bryars considera Satyagraha, Akhnaten and The Fall Of The House of Usher high points in the opera of the twentieth century. The last of it, based on the story of Edgard Alan Poe horror, had not yet received its premiere in Spain. "Poe suggests much", composer writes,"But it does not explain anything Is the real story or a hallucination?"With that premise Glass mounts a work full of ambiguity in which" incest, the homosexuality, murder and the supernatural fill the air, or perhaps only exist in the imagination of the public ".

Learn more: www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/teatros/teatro-central

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