
XXV University Theater. Sevilla kitty

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By on 30/03/2017

From 24 to the 28 April
At 20 H
Auditorio kitty. C / Madre de Dios, 1
Box office from 2 hours before the start
Tickets 5 euros, 3 members of the C.U euros.

XXV University Theater. Sevilla kitty

MONDAY 24. Final sample theater workshop led by Sario Téllez CICUS.

TUESDAY 25. Group: TroTeaTro. “Resilentes”. Javier Andrés and Rafael Pacheco


Jaime, family doctor, He lives in Almería into believing his strict family in Madrid as a cardiologist. Things change with the surprise of their parents visit to the capital, where Jaime and his friend David contrive for their deception is discovered ... Successfully?

DURATION: 90 minutes.

Street address: TroTeaTro.
TroTeaTro production.
Wardrobe: Juan Ortiz, Pilar Fafián.
Hair and makeup: Carla Domínguez, María Amador, Julia Castillo.
Scenery: Inmaculada Calvete.
Lights and sound: Manuel Vázquez.

Jaime: Javier Andrés
David: Rafael Pacheco
Marta: Carla Domínguez
great March: Esperanza Molina
Laura: María Amador
Enrique: Manuel Anarte
Eduardo: Juan Ortiz
Carmen: Julia Castillo
Benito: Javier Cañizares
Elsa: Inmaculada Calvete
mother: Julia Tena
Silvia: Pilar Fafián
Technical: Ainhoa ​​Pedro
Cuñao José Luis: Luis Oliver

XXV University Theater. Sevilla kitty

WEDNESDAY 26. Virgin Robotics Company "Tesla vs Edison, the war of the currents "


Edison Vs. Tesla: War of currents, It is a play of science for all audiences. The play, It reflects the struggle for power the world in the late nineteenth century, among the great inventors Thomas Alva Edison, pioneer of the electric light bulb and defender of the DC and his pupil, Nikola Tesla, advocating a more powerful and efficient form of energy, AC.

This work, performed by a cast of talented young Andalusian, not leave anyone indifferent. José Carlos Jimenez Revuelta is the director and creator of the original idea. Prepared at first to be taken to schools and colleges, It is employing the comic tone and plural readings of the work, They do enjoy large and small. Three musical numbers enliven and provide information to this interesting historical fact, whose function is not only to provide entertainment, if not, above all, bring science. Disclose the physical principles and technological improvements that these scientists developed, as the three-phase motor or cinematograph. This masterclass, given by 7 actors, it has a duration of 40 minutes.

José Carlos Jimenez Revuelta is EDISON.
Alba Vicente Guerra is a MUSA.
Rus Ignacio Prados is TESLA.
Celia Vicente Guerra is a MUSA.
Ricardo Guerrero Tortosa Tiberius.
Ana Gamez is a Giráldez MUSA.
Carlos Ortega Brenes is WAYLON.

XXV University Theater. Sevilla kitty

THURSDAY 27. Group: Puzzle Teatro. "Eight Women"


In a bourgeois mansion in the French countryside, where they are carrying out preparations to celebrate Christmas, a terrible event occurs: the owner of the house and family patriarch is found murdered with a knife in the back.

evidently, the culprit has to be one of the seven women who are in the house, held incommunicado for temporary. then begins a long day filled with discussions of research, betrayals and revelations and interrupted by a suspicious eighth, which leads to the conclusion that each of them has its reasons and keeps secrets they do not want to reveal. The truth will break out, Unmasking the characters and revealing their lies in a story that mixes black comedy family drama.

DURATION: 1 hour 30 minutes.

DIRECTOR: Pablo Escudero.
LIGHTING DESIGN: Carlos de la Rimada.
SCENIC DESIGN: Carlos de la Rimada. Pablo Escudero.

WE HAVE: Carrillo Chechu.
CATHERINE: Lucía Castro.
SUZON: María Fombuena.
LADY CHANEL: Marina Jiménez.
AUGUSTINE: Amalia Marchena.
PIERRETE: Marta Pousada.
GABY: María Ahumada.
LOUISE: Nuria Rodríguez.

XXV University Theater. Sevilla kitty


Gustavo Adolfo Dominguez Bastida Claudio, better known as Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer (1836/1870) born in Seville, poet and storyteller belonging to the movement of Romanticism. Although life has already achieved some fame, Only after his death and after the publication of all his writings earned the prestige that is recognized today.

Our proposal stage in theater-dance style of a selection of his Rimas and is part of the first approaches to our illustrious Sevillian who held Teatro-Circo “Square” in this year 2017.

The three elements that come together in the work: love, heartbreak and death mingle with the author's own statement:

“I find it hard to know what things I dreamed and what happened to me. My affections are divided between phantoms of imagination and real characters ".

The selected music is core element for actors dancers of Sufi melodies, reflection of the dedication of the author to some legends of oriental atmosphere followed by several romantic authors with the presence of the waltz and the polka.

Duration: 60 minutes.

List: Miryam Osuna and Eugenio Fernández

XXV University Theater. Sevilla kitty

Learn more: http://cicus.us.es/

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