
Origin of name Sevilla

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By on 14/03/2018

Spal to Ishbiliya got to Sevilla

The origin of the name of Sevilla to a simple nomenclature is not back. Because throughout history, Sevilla's name was the result of changes. Given these changes regarding the people who were settled in the lands of Seville at that time. The origins of the inhabitants, their culture and their values ​​were decisive for the naming of the lands of the Sevillian city.

In the pre Roman historians argue that there are references in texts and manuscripts that Sevilla took the name He slept the Fire. Making allusion name the god Baal, revered god of the Phoenician civilization.

Map Mundi

Map Mundi

In Roman times the term Fire It was Latinized. Sevilla passing renamed as Hispalis. Later, the Visigoths called her October.

Last, Arab culture made its contribution to the origin of the name of Sevilla denominating Ishbiliya. Following terminology for later castellanización in the name of Sevilla.

If you want to continue delving into the history and the origin of Sevilla. We invite you to discover about its creation. It is said that Sevilla was founded by a God. Do you dare to discover? Known more curiosities and legends Seville.

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